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Tandem Rating

Click on the link below to register for the course:


May 24th - May 26th Skydance

  • 10 x PACK JOB: US$ 15
  • USPA FEE: US$ 50
  • UPT FEE:US$ 50
  • 19 JUMP TICKETS (your slot and the examiner’s)
  • Additional travel FEES may apply

Things to do before the course:

  • Complete your Sigma test before the course
  • USPA Tandem Test

Earning the UPT Sigma Tandem rating

  • 5  jumps under supervision of an UPT Examiner.
  • 5  Tandem jumps with an experienced jumper.
  • The probationary period, where you can take actual passengers, but are on probation until you have a total of 25 tandem jumps. At that point the rating will get issued by UPT.


  • 18 years of age
  • at least 500 ram-air jumps
  • 3 years in the sport
  • USPA D-license or foreign equivalent
  • Hold an instructional rating
  • Hold an FAA class 3 medical certificate or foreign equivalent

Download the manuals from the links below

Sigma Tandem Test

Tandem Instructor Training Logbook

Tandem Instructor Paperwork Checklist

Tandem Instructor Re-Certification Form

Tandem Examiner Re-Certification Form

Initial Sigma Hand Cam Safety Checklist

Annual Sigma Hand Cam Safety Checklist

You will need to bring an USPA IRM and SIM


USPA Tandem Proficiency card


The  Sigma Manual, SIM / IRM are the books for the course. It is recommended to print the manuals from United Parachute Technologies web-site prior to the course. You will have to make the written test at home prior to the course. Please hand write the answers. Any questions you don’t know the answers can be left open.

The course:

The tandem rating course will take 2 up to 4 days (weather permitting). The course consists of one day of classroom, 5 evaluation jumps and correction of the written exams. And 5 jumps with an experience skydiver.

You need to bring copies of:

USPA membership card with D-license number and Coach or Instructor rating endorsement

  • Copy of a current FAA class 3 medical certificate
  • logbooks showing 500 jumps and 3 years in the sport

For the course jumps you will need:

  • Baggy jumpsuit
  • Helmet
  • Audible
  • Altimeter

Cross training:

If you already possess a current Tandem Instructor rating from another manufacturer you can get crossed over to the Sigma rating.

To qualify for cross-training you must:

  • Hold a current Tandem rating from another approved manufacturer
  • Show documentation of at least 25 jumps on this system
  • Meet all the requirements of the initial UPT tandem course (see above)


The course books are the Sigma Tandem manual from UPT, available on UPT’s web-site. To pass the course you must make the Sigma tandem written exams .You can make the tests ate home, type the answers and bring them to the course or on a pen drive.

You need to bring copies of:

  • Current tandem rating
  • Logbook entries with 25 tandem jumps
  • FAA  class 3 medical certificate
  • USPA membership card with D-license number and Instructional rating endorsement

The course consists  of  one day of classroom and a minimum of 2 evaluation jumps. The Sigma tandem written exam will be corrected during the course before the jumps begin.

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